Scooter guide

You need a variety of specialised equipment to compete in events with your dogs. It can be a bit daunting and expensive to get into the sport. If you just want to exercise your dog or have some fun with him/her then a Scooter may be just what you are looking for!

Scooters are an excellent way to enjoy running your dog, give you access to trails which may not be suitable for rigs and are also a lot easier to transport.

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The safety and comfort of your dogs should be your main consideration at all times.

The two-wheeled bike like item used for light weight training.
These must be bought to fit each individual dog as sizes vary.
Connecting Line
The lines are connected to the headstock with a specially made piece of line with a loop in each end.
Shock absorber/bungee

To the headstock line is connected a bungee, followed by standard one or two dog rig lines can then be connected to the bungee.

Dog Boots
To prevent dogs from getting injuries to their pads some mushers put boots on them. The decision on whether to use them or not depends a lot on the conditions underfoot and the individual dog.
The Last Piece
And finally the dog (kamots) in harness is hooked up, and you are ready to go.

You will also need suitable clothing for yourself, waterproofs, comfortable footwear, etc. In this photo (young) Ewan shows us what NOT to wear, while (baby) Christopher (the style guru) shows us sensible rally clothing!

The Bigger Picture
The first model of scooter I used was the Cruiser from Scootmania. I found this model adequate for the trails I run on, but if you are looking for additional ground clearance, suspension forks and even a disc brake, then go for the Downhill model. I now use the Cross Country from Kickbike as pictured, and highly recommend it.

Interested in the sport?

Why not come along to an event and see for yourself how exhilarating it is?